Sunday, August 31, 2008

Core Issues to think about when Voting...

When preparing to vote I think the issues are unclear to a person new to the political world. So, I am going to spend some time defining these issues, and guiding a thought process. I will NEVER tell you what to think, but instead I will help you have a deeper understanding of what is happening in our society. It may take a few blogs, but here goes...

Most issues wrap around how we view the qualities of a person. Once we define how we see each person, then we will view political issues based on that definition. You can find some of this information in my discussion of “The Individual.”

Ultimately, I believe that people on both side of all the issues truly care about others, but their views on how to care for others varies because they see the individual differently.

Let’s look at the first issue, “The Underprivileged,” also know as the Welfare issue. Conservatives believe that people have the ability to care for themselves and that we should empower them to care for themselves. Liberals believe that “the man” takes advantage of people and thus they need caring for. This issue can be further discussed when discussing socialism vs. capitalism. The socialist would say that society should equal out the opportunities in life and take from the privileged to give a hand to the underprivileged. The capitalist would say that the barriers to progress should be removed so everyone has a chance to “be all they can be”, and thus increase the individuals ingenuity ... Both views care for those in need, but they approach it in a different way. One (conservatives) want to “teach them how to fish” and the other (liberal) want to feed them. Obviously, for this blog I have simplified the discussion of this subject, but I may decide to revisit it later....

Just a note: I assume everyone is concerned for the poor in our country because I assume we all have hearts. This does not mean that I assume all people receiving care and benefits are legitimately receiving care. In fact, many people take advantage of “the system”... which is why I am a fan of the local non-profit. The local non-profit has the ability to reach out to each individual in a personal way and walks through the problems with the person instead of pushing them through a a result, they are more likely to help the truly needy and not be taken advantage of by the dishonest.

*when I use the term conservation and liberal I use it as it is used politically in the US, I do not use it in the traditional views of those terms

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

VOTING...the how to's

We turn 18 and suddenly we have a new “They” just say to be sure to do guidance, no explanation...just do it.

I disagree with that approach. Here is a quick foundation on thoughts before you vote.

You should first find a foundation of where you stand on issues. This will be the core that will direct you how to vote.

Once you have a core of how to vote, then you can compare those foundations to where the candidate stands and choose which candidate fits into your values.

There are some additional things I personally take into consideration. For example, when a candidate is expressing their views on a topic, does what they say match what they have done in the past. If not, how do they justify the change-or do they lie about their previous actions until “caught”? This would speak to the candidates character and help guide my voting.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Power...relaionships (read me second)

So, when I was in school I learned about how people view power relationships. That sounds so complicated but it really isn’t...let me try to explain. When one person or a people group has “power” other another, the suppressed person can relate to this control in different ways. For example, they may or may not fight back, or they may or may not even vocalize that they dislike being oppressed.

The key is the underline view of how the powerful and the oppressed interact. There are “3 faces” of power-or 3 views of power. So you can see the relationships in three ways...

In the 1st face of power, the relationship is viewed in a very up front way. So, if the oppressed don’t vocalize that they are unhappy with the actions, then everyone is to assume that the oppressed is happy with the relationship. For example, if the general population in America is unhappy with a law, in this view of power the citizens would vote to make changes-and they would write letters to their legislatures to pursue change.

In the 2nd face of power, the relationship has a little more of an undercurrent. In this case, the oppressed disagree with the actions that are being taken against them; however, they do nothing because they are under the belief that any action they take will be worthless. It don’t mean that the action really is worthless, but the oppressed BELIEVE it is worthless. Thus, no action is taken.

In the 3rd face of power, the relationship is the most powerful in my opinion. In this case, the oppressed are convinced that they are oppressed for their own good...they believe that although they are oppressed, it is for their ultimate benefit. In this case, the powerful are most easily able to control the oppressed. The oppressed obviously are not taking any kind of action because they are sold on the relationship.

Most of the time I would view these relationships in a social structure...or in government to citizen relationships. But, in this case, I want to return to a previous thought I does this look in a marital relationship? ...hummm

Power... (read me first)

Let’s talk about Power. Why do people have it and why do people give it up??? Of course, we all know “everybody wants power.” Well, I always thought that was not true for ME or for most of my friends. It was for the controlling, mean, evil people that are probably CEO’s and politicians.

Stepping back, I have to assess this. First, what really is power? Next, how do people gain or lose it? And, third, why do people gain or lose power? ...Does this have anything to do with me?

The dictionary has several definitions for power. one definition is: physical strength and force exerted by something or someone...not something I relate to. But, another definition says that power is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. This is a little more relatable... most parents want to direct or influence their children. Also, the piece of the puzzle that I most relate to is a pier to pier relationship that is influencing another. Which relationships are the most influenced in our lives? ...Marriage?

In marriage does one person have power over the other? Do both persons have power over each other? How does it work in your and my marriage? Are marriages better or worse if one person or the other has “the power”?